Shamanic Healing Training: A Comprehensive Guide for Those Interested in Becoming Healers

So, you want to become a shamanic healer? What do you need to know about the training involved?

Embarking on a journey into shamanic healing requires more than just an interest; it's a deep commitment to understanding the spiritual and energetic world surrounding us. Through shamanic training, you'll explore ancient practices that connect deeply with the natural world and the unseen forces that influence our lives. Not everyone who starts this path will become a healer, but for those who feel called, finding the right training program is crucial to embracing the healing powers that shamanism offers.

The Foundations of Shamanic Healing

At the heart of shamanic training lies the understanding that our world is profoundly interconnected. This foundational belief is crucial as you begin your journey, guiding you toward a training program that teaches techniques and immerses you in the philosophy and ethics of shamanic practice. It's about cultivating a relationship with the world rooted in respect, balance, and harmony.

Understanding Core Shamanism

Core shamanism encompasses the universal, near-universal, and standard features of shamanism globally. It involves learning to journey to non-ordinary reality, connecting with helping spirits and mastering the altered states of consciousness necessary for shamanic work. This aspect of shamanic training is foundational, providing the tools and insights to navigate the unseen world effectively.

Unless you are training with an indigenous teacher in that culture’s form of shamanism, yo will most likely focus on core shamanic practices.

The Essence and Ethos of Shamanic Practice

Shamanism is deeply rooted in the understanding that illness and suffering often have spiritual dimensions. By addressing these aspects, shamanic practice offers a path to holistic healing. It’s a journey of restoring balance, not just within the individual, but within the wider community and the natural world.

The Role of Shamanic Healing in Today’s World

In a time where modern life often disconnects us from our spiritual and natural roots, shamanic healing offers a bridge back to those essential connections. It provides tools for personal healing, community building, and environmental stewardship, reflecting the timeless relevance of shamanic wisdom.

Bridging Ancient Wisdom with Modern Life

Shamanic practices offer profound insights into the nature of health and well-being, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all elements of human life. By integrating ancient wisdom with contemporary understanding, shamanism offers a unique perspective on healing and living harmoniously in our modern world.

Key Shamanic Healing Techniques Explored

A man doing shamanic drumming outdoors

Shamanic healing encompasses a variety of techniques, each harnessing the forces of nature and the power of the spirit world to facilitate healing. From divination and soul retrieval to extraction and ceremony, these practices enable practitioners to address the spiritual aspects of illness and imbalance.

Shamanic Divination: Guidance from the Spirit World

Shamanic divination is a pivotal practice within shamanism, offering insights and guidance from the spirit world. Through this technique, practitioners gain clarity on the underlying spiritual aspects of a situation, enabling them to provide more effective healing.

Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self

Michael Harner, a prominent figure in shamanism, highlights soul retrieval as a critical practice for healing soul loss, often resulting from trauma. This technique aims to restore the wholeness of the individual by retrieving lost parts of the soul, facilitating deep healing and recovery.

Extraction Medicine: Removing Spiritual Intrusions

Extraction ceremonies involves the removal of spiritual intrusions that may cause illness or imbalance. This ancient healing technique is a fundamental aspect of shamanic practice, aiming to cleanse and restore the spiritual purity of the individual.

Ceremony & Ritual: The Power of Sacred Practices

Shamanic cultures worldwide have long understood the transformative power of ceremony and ritual. These sacred practices serve to realign individuals with the spiritual and natural forces, fostering healing, community cohesion, and a deep sense of belonging across cultures worldwide.

Applied Shamanism: Practical Applications

Engaging with shamanism extends beyond personal growth to embrace a broader healing mission. Through practical applications, individuals can deepen their understanding and refine their skills, ultimately serving as healing channels in their communities.

Some institutions and schools may offer certifications in shamanic healing, but there is no real central authority or licensing body. We must practice integrity and ethics because that’s what the spirit demands.

Shamanic Healing in Practice

At its core, shamanic healing treats the spiritual roots of disease. By addressing these underlying causes, practitioners can facilitate profound and lasting healing, reflecting the holistic nature of shamanic wisdom and its practical relevance in healing work.

Deepening Understanding

You can deepen your understanding as a healer in several ways.

  • Reviewing session transcripts

  • Participating in shamanism retreats or drum circles

  • Reading ad taking additional classes

  • Connecting with a shamanic community

Plant Medicine in Shamanism

While I don't teach plant medicine, it's essential to acknowledge its significant role in many shamanic cultures. Plant medicine involves psychedelic plants and fungi to assist with spiritual and healing work. It’s legality and safety should be considered,

Shamanic counseling often incorporates plant medicine in healing ceremonies, reflecting its influential role in facilitating spiritual and physical healing. As a healer, I am often called upon by those who have tried plant medicine and need help integrating or who have been unable to get the healing needed. It is important that I can sit and hold sacred space for all of my clients.

Healing Circles: Collective Healing Energy

Healing circles are a core part of shamanic practices, drawing on the collective energy of participants to foster healing. In these gatherings, everyone's intentions and spirits unite in a powerful way, creating a supportive environment for emotional, physical, and spiritual healing. Engaging in healing circles can deeply enhance your connection to the community and the unseen world, making it an essential practice for those on a shamanism training path.

Advanced Shamanic Practices

shamanic healing implements like singing bowls and a rattle

As you delve deeper into your shamanic path, you'll encounter advanced practices that require a solid foundation in the basics. These practices expand your abilities and understanding, allowing for more profound healing and exploration of the spiritual realms. It's a journey of continuous learning and personal growth, pushing the boundaries of what you thought possible in your shamanic practice.

Working with the Ancestral Realms

Connecting with the ancestral realms involves the medicine wheel, a powerful tool in shamanic practice. This work allows you to heal ancestral wounds and learn from the wisdom of those who came before you. By engaging with your ancestors, you gain insights and guidance, enhancing your spiritual growth and strengthening your practice. It's a profound way to honor your lineage and carry forward their legacy.

Psychopomp Work: Assisting the Dying and Departed

Psychopomp work is a compassionate aspect of shamanism, guiding souls of the deceased to transition peacefully. This practice requires a deep understanding of the spiritual journey after death, offering solace to both the departing souls and their grieving loved ones. It's a profound service, embodying the healer's role as a bridge between the worlds.

Past Life and Parallel Life Healing

Exploring past and parallel lives can unveil the root causes of present issues, offering transformative insights. This practice taps into the continuity of the human life, revealing patterns and lessons that span beyond our current existence. It's a powerful tool for healing and understanding, providing clarity and resolution that can profoundly impact your current life journey.

The Shamanic Lifestyle

Embracing a shamanic lifestyle means integrating the spiritual aspects of your practice into everyday life. It's about living in harmony with the natural environment and deepening your connection with nature. This holistic approach enriches your practice, enhances your well-being, and fosters a profound respect for all living beings and the Earth.


Earth Skills & Time in Nature: Reconnecting with Our Roots

A shamanic woman outdoors in touch wiith nature

Spending time in nature and developing earth skills are fundamental to reconnecting with our roots. These practices foster a deep connection with the natural world, enhancing our understanding of the spiritual aspects of life. Whether it's through gardening, hiking, or simply being still in a natural setting, these experiences remind us of our intrinsic bond with the Earth and all its creatures.

Art, Music & Dance: Expressions of Shamanic Joy and Healing

For a shamanic practitioner, art, music, and dance are not just hobbies; they are expressions of spiritual joy and paths to healing. These creative outlets allow us to connect with the divine, express our innermost feelings, and celebrate the beauty of life. They are vital practices that enrich our spiritual journey, bringing color and vibrancy to our shamanic path.

Embarking on Your Shamanic Healing Journey

Beginning your journey into shamanic healing is an exciting step towardpersonal and spiritual growth. It's a path filled with discovery, healing, and the deepening of your connection to the spiritual world.

Choosing the Right Training Program for You

Finding the right shamanic path for your training is crucial. Whether it's through apprenticeship, mentorship, or online classes, each method offers unique insights and experiences. Consider what aligns best with your lifestyle, learning preferences, and spiritual goals. A well-chosen path will support your growth and deepen your understanding of shamanic healing.

If you’re interested in mentorship and want to speak with me, you can click here to get in touch.

Basic Training in Shamanism

Starting with basic training in shamanism lays the foundation for your practice. It introduces you to core shamanic principles, techniques, and the ethos of shamanic healing. This initial phase is essential, equipping you with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate your journey safely and effectively. Embrace this stage with an open heart and a willing spirit, as it shapes the healer you will become.

The Importance of Personal and Professional Development in Shamanic Practice

As you embark on the path of shamanism, understand that both personal and professional growth are crucial. Starting with a basic workshop, you'll lay the foundation for your practice of shamanism, but that's just the beginning. The journey ahead requires continuous learning and self-reflection to deepen your mental and spiritual capacities. Engaging in shamanic practice is not just about mastering techniques; it's about evolving as a person and as a healer. By committing to both your personal and professional development, you ensure that your practice remains vibrant, effective, and deeply connected to the spirit world.

Navigating the Path Ahead: Your Journey in Shamanic Healing Awaits

Your journey into shamanic healing is a path of profound transformation and discovery. As you explore the realms of shamanism and shamanic healing, you'll encounter the powerful practice of soul retrieval, where the fragmented parts of the self are lovingly called back to wholeness. Extraction healing, another cornerstone, meticulously removes spiritual intrusions, clearing the way for effective shamanic healing. Engaging in advanced shamanic healing techniques, such as power animal retrieval, will deepen your connection with your guiding spirits and enhance your shamanic tools, vital for your growth.

Remember, embarking on a shamanic path transforms your soul. As you step forward, let your heart lead the way, embracing the wisdom and healing that shamanic practice offers.