Shamanic Sexual Healing

I have previously written a post touching on the intersection of shamanism and sexuality, where I briefly touched upon shamanic healing for issues of sexual origin or nature. I intend to expand upon that to address healing more directly.

First, I shall explain that spiritual healing does not replace medical care or professional therapy. Shamanic healing addresses the underlying spiritual causes of issues.

Healing Sexual Trauma

a shaman's drum used for soul rettrieval healing

Psychological and spiritual trauma happens any time someone has a deeply disturbing or threatening experience. As a shamanic healer, I see sexual trauma as more common in our culture than many people think. We know that sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse are underreported crimes.

There are many encounters where people don’t think they “should be” traumatized, and so may not seek healing. I was sexually assaulted by a coworker and didn’t recognize as such for over two decades because “I’m a man, and she was a woman.” Even though I felt a deep sense of violation and humiliation that stuck with me.

We often block out memories of sexual abuse - particularly in childhood. This is a protective mechanism, but not remembering a trauma doesn’t mean you aren’t affected by it. The good news is that you also don’t have to remember or relive a trauma to heal from it.

Shamanic healing can play a profound role in the journey toward healing from the wounds of sexual trauma. With its roots in ancient wisdom and connection to the spiritual realm, shamanic practices offer a unique approach to addressing the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of sexual trauma.

From a shamanic perspective, trauma, sexual or otherwise, can lead to a condition called “soul loss.” This is a fragmenting of the self that doesn’t resolve itself. Through a tool called shamanic soul retrieval, shamans retrieve lost soul fragments and help the client re-integrate them. I have seen and experienced profound healing from soul retrieval.

Common Symptoms of Soul Loss Related to Sexual Trauma

Here are some of the most common symptoms seen by shamans concerning soul loss. It’s important to note that many of these symptoms may have organic causes, so seeking medical advice should be done before and in concert with shamanic healing.

  1. Feeling Incomplete or Disconnected: A pervasive sense of something missing within oneself or a disconnection from one's emotions, body, or life.

  2. Chronic Emotional Issues: Persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, anger, or numbness that seem resistant to typical therapeutic approaches.

  3. Memory Gaps: Unexplained lapses in memory, especially around the time of the trauma.

  4. Dissociation: A feeling of detachment from oneself, one's body, or the surrounding environment, often as a coping mechanism for overwhelming experiences.

  5. Difficulty in Relationships: Challenges with intimacy, trust, and establishing or maintaining healthy relationships, possibly stemming from the trauma.

  6. Low Self-Esteem: Persistent feelings of unworthiness or shame may be directly linked to the traumatic experience.

  7. Chronic Physical Illnesses: Unexplained physical ailments or chronic conditions that don't respond well to conventional medical treatments.

  8. Recurring Nightmares or Flashbacks: Re-experiencing the trauma through nightmares or flashbacks, a common symptom of PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder).

  9. Loss of Vitality or Passion: Feeling a lack of enthusiasm, passion, or purpose in life.

  10. Self-Sabotaging Behaviors: Engaging in harmful or counterproductive behaviors, often unconsciously, which might relate to feelings of guilt or unworthiness.

  11. Sexual Dysfunction: This can include hyperactive libido or complete lack of libido, risky compulsive behavior, or unhealthy paraphilia.

Shamanic healing can provide a safe and transformative space for survivors to embark on healing, self-discovery, and reclaiming their innate sense of wholeness and vitality.

Healing Sexual Shame

A woman covers her face in shame

Shame is the feeling or belief that you're mistaken, broken, or flawed. Shame is a toxic psycho-spiritual complex that prevents us from living life fully and can lead to mental and physical illness.

Shame often comes from our culture, education, or upbringing and is internalized. Look at all the terms for sexual shaming we have - “slut-shaming,” “kink-shaming,” and “body-shaming.” Social creatures depend on others for survival, so the pressure to fit in with society is immense.

In my opinion, shame is a hidden epidemic. Shame makes us keep parts of ourselves hidden away. It is the most significant contributor to our shadow.

And it’s hard not to feel shame when our culture sends us such mixed messages about sex. There are religious messages such as "sex outside of marriage being a sin that will get you tortured in hell for eternity. Some advertisements and media use sex as a sales tool. There is easy access to pornography. There are the sexual attitudes of our families and our spirituality.

Many of our cultural and religious rules about sex are deeply rooted in patriarchy, property rights, and control of the masses. They are not there to help us live fulfilling lives and feel good about ourselves. The message is that if our desires or preferences don’t fit within accepted norms, something is wrong with us.

I should add that while shame is toxic, there are things we should never do because they are harmful to others. Consent is the key. Any consensual activity between adults is wonderful.

How do Shamanic Healers Help With Sexual Shame?

A good shamanic healer creates a safe, non-judgemental container for clients to explore the source of their shame about sex. It begins with a comfortable, confidential conversation where clients feel free to express themselves. A good shaman knows how to “hold space” and speak to clients using “medicine language.” This simple conversation is incredibly healing.

Beyond that, there are several healing tools that a shamanic practitioner can bring to bear. Some tools may include ancestral healing, clearing toxic emotional energy or thought forms, and actions to heal the energy body. Shame is often stored in the lower part of the energy body.

Healing Sexual Dysfunction

a loving couple embraces in front of a waterfall

As a shamanic healer, I want my clients to live whole and happy lives. Many people desire a fulfilling sex life, but it may be prevented by sexual dysfunction. Shamanic healing may help with sexual dysfunction, though medical advice and diagnosis should always be sought first. I always tell clients that shamanic healing addresses the spiritual sources of ailments.

Only a licensed medical professional can diagnose medical conditions.

Here are some forms of sexual dysfunction that some individuals might seek to address through shamanic healing:

  1. Low Libido: A decreased interest in sexual activity, which might be seen as a loss of vital energy or spirit.

  2. Erectile Dysfunction: Difficulties in achieving or maintaining an erection, potentially viewed as a blockage of energetic pathways.

  3. Premature Ejaculation: Challenges with control over ejaculation, which could be interpreted as an imbalance in emotional or energetic regulation.

  4. Delayed Ejaculation: Difficulty in achieving ejaculation, possibly perceived as a disruption in the flow of energy.

  5. Anorgasmia: The inability to reach orgasm, which might be approached as a sign of disconnectedness from one's body or emotions. This could indicate soul loss as well.

  6. Painful Intercourse (Dyspareunia): Experiencing pain during intercourse, which could be seen as a manifestation of physical or emotional trauma.

  7. Vaginismus: Involuntary spasms of the vaginal muscles that prevent penetration, potentially linked to psychological or emotional factors.

  8. Sexual Aversion Disorder: A strong aversion to or avoidance of sexual contact, often related to past trauma or anxiety.

  9. Lack of Sexual Confidence: Feelings of inadequacy or nervousness regarding sexual performance or desirability.

  10. Psychological Impact of Infertility: Emotional and spiritual distress related to infertility issues.

In shamanic practice, these dysfunctions might be treated through soul retrieval, energy cleansing, spirit animal guidance, herbal remedies, and rituals to restore balance and harmony. The focus is often on healing the whole person—emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

If you are interested in shamanic healing, please get in touch with me.