law of attraction

Morning Manifestation

Start your day with a dose od

In a recent podcast, I discussed why manifesting is an important tool in spiritual development. I fully believe this, and it’s something that many teachings about the law of attraction and abundance don’t express. I want to share a morning manifestation ritual for you to try out on a day to day basis to practice this important spiritual tool.

Here’s a short ritual you can do in just a few minutes every day to help you create the kind of day you want.

This is also a great way to start your day out on a great emotional note.

A Short Morning Manifestation Ritual

  1. Upon awakening take a couple of moments to “clear the cobwebs”. Stretch, use the bathroom, grab a drink of water. I suggest doing this before any morning caffeine.

  2. Sit comfortably and close your eyes.

  3. Imagine that it’s the end of the day now, and you are “remembering” the perfect day you just had. Just pretend that you are remembering everything going the way you want it to do. Review your day ahead in your imagination.

  4. Focus on the positive emotions each of these imagined memories brings up for you. Stay with each of them for just a few minutes.

  5. Now, when you’ve gotten to the end of your day, focus on the feeling of gratitude for having such a wonderful day.

  6. There’s no need to dwell upon this exercise, when you are finished, just go up and go about your day.

As a bonus step, at the actual end of the day, make a note in a journal of anything that happened exactly as you imagined. Know that you are constantly manifesting, and this is a way to “tune” your energy in to get more of what you desire.